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 Curriculum Intent

Throughout their Chemistry journey pupils will learn to analyse patterns, draw conclusions, present data, understand and respond to information, justify opinions, collect data, test hypotheses, review theories and interrogate sources of information. To enrich learning, practical activities are offered throughout and in key stage 4 these support the delivery of the GCSE Required Practicals.

The key stage 3 curriculum is based on the AQA ACTIVATE package. All pupils are issued with a textbook which is used to support this. This scheme is based on the National Curriculum Guidelines for Key Stage 3 Chemistry. 

Year 7 

Term 1 Matter

Term 2 Matter continued and Reactions

Term 3 Earth

Year 8 

Term 1 Matter

Term 2 Reactions

Term 3 Earth

In year 9, we commence the building blocks for the GCSE course, this includes the required practicals which are part of the AQA separate science GCSE course. Through practical work pupils develop and learn to apply observational, practical skills and mathematical skills in the laboratory. Relevant mathematical skills are also covered throughout the course. Each pupil is provided with a textbook to encourage reading and revision and from which homework tasks can be derived.

Year 9

Term 1 The earth’s atmosphere, atomic structure

Term 2 The periodic table

Term 3 Structure and bonding

Year 10 

Term 1 Chemical changes, electrolysis, energy changes, rates of reaction, crude oil and fuels

Term 2 Crude oil and fuels continued, organic reactions, polymers and chemical analysis

Term 3 Chemical analysis continued and the earth’s resources

Year 11

Term 1 Using our resources and Chemical calculations

Term 2 Mastery and overlearning of Chemistry topics. Exam style questions

Term 3 Exam revision and preparation
