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 Curriculum intent

In Biology, the purpose is to inspire a curiosity amongst students and giving them the opportunity to develop this by questioning the world they live in. We hope to develop life skills and encourage pupils to act more responsibly and respectfully and show a powerful knowledge that will enable them to understand and make informed choices on issues such as genetic screening and cloning.

Practical activities are offered throughout and in key stage 4 these support the delivery of the Required Practicals.

The key stage 3 curriculum is based on the AQA ACTIVATE package. All pupils are issued with a textbook which is used to support this. This scheme is based on the National Curriculum Guidelines for Key Stage 3 Biology. It is taught in a different order to the textbook to allow field work to be carried out in term 3 in the summer

Year 7

Is taught in a different order to the textbook to allow field work to be carried out in term 3 in the summer

Term 1 Movement and cells

Term 2 Variation and human reproduction

Term 3 Interdependence, field work and plant reproduction

Year 8

Term 1 Organisms

Term 2 Ecosystems

Term 3 Genes and field work

In year 9 we commence the building blocks for the GCSE course this includes:

the required practicals which are part of the AQA separate science GCSE course. Through practical work pupils develop and learn to apply observational, practical skills and mathematical skills in the laboratory.

Relevant mathematical skills are also covered throughout the course. Each pupil is provided with a textbook to encourage reading and revision and from which homework tasks can be derived.

 Year 9

Term 1 Cell structure and transport

Term2  Cell structure and transport continued, cell division and the digestive system

Term 3 The digestive system continued and the blood and blood vessels

Year 10

Term 1 Organising animal and plants, communicable diseases, preventing and treating diseases, non-communicable diseases and photosynthesis

Term 2 Photosynthesis continued, respiration, human nervous system, hormonal coordination, homeostasis

Term 3 Reproduction, variation and evolution, genetics and evolution

Year 11

Term 1 Adaptation, interdependence and competition, feeding relationships, biodiversity and ecosystems

Term 2 Mastery and overlearning of Biology topics. Exam style questions

Term 3 Exam revision and preparation
